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Projects 2014-2019

As a result of the conflict that erupted in February 2014, almost 2 million Ukrainians are on the run within their own country. Volkshilfe supports these people in creating new prospects for themselves.

From 2014 to 2016, homeless or vulnerable Ukrainian families from the conflict regions of south-east Ukraine were supported with rent subsidies, start-up packages, help with finding work and childcare, as well as financial and psycho-social counselling.

The income generation measures implemented as part of this project created a group of women craftspeople who were supported through training in the production, promotion and sale of their handicrafts.

In the fourth phase of RefuFam - September 2017 to May 2019 - the initiative will be expanded and the focus will be placed on aspects of employability, income-generating activities and social integration. The project beneficiaries receive training in handicraft skills and business knowledge. The sale of handicrafts is made possible and the establishment of a workshop and course facilities is supported.

Project Informations

Region: Chernivtsi

Duration: November 2014 - May 2019

Project Partner:  Narodna Dopomoha (People's Aid Ukraine)

Funding Bodies: BMASGK, Volkshilfe


Volkshilfe Solidarität
Alicia Allgäuer, Project Manager


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