Corona emergency aid for Idlib

Hygiene kits for 10,000 refugee families

In Idlib, in addition to the humanitarian crisis caused by Corona, a health crisis is also looming. Information about the virus and hygiene kits can help prevent its spread in informal camps in the city. Our project is sponsored by Neighbor in Need and implemented together with our partners medico international and the Idlib Women's Center.

The deterioration in the humanitarian situation in Idlib Province in northwestern Syria has resulted in one of the worst humanitarian crises in the ten-year conflict in Syria in recent months. Since December 2019, almost 1 million people have fled the Syrian-Russian military offensive in the southern and eastern parts of Idlib province. Almost 1.7 million people have been displaced since April 2019. The situation remains unstable as many armed groups and states are involved in the conflict.

COVID-19 poses a further threat to the lives of many people in Idlib. Due to the poor living conditions in the crowded camps and due to the lack of water, the virus will spread rapidly. At the same time, most health facilities are destroyed, poorly equipped or understaffed. Education about the virus and the distribution of hygiene items are urgently needed to prevent the virus from spreading.

Between May and August 2020, the local Women's Center in Idlib distributed hygiene sets to 4,000 families in camps in the city and in surrounding communities. In addition, information on the virus and on hygiene was given to selected multipliers. As the need for these measures remains high, a further 6,000 families are to be reached between September and December.

Project Information

Region: Idlib
Duration: May 2020 – December 2021
Project partner: medico international, Idlib Women's Center
Funding body: Nachbar in Not, Volkshilfe


Volkshilfe Solidarität
Mag.a Alicia Allgäuer
International Cooperation

+43 676 83 402 227


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