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Mobile Care for older People

Quality of life and well-being for senior citizens through health and social services in rural areas


Vladičin Han in the mountainous south of Serbia is one of the least developed municipalities. This is also reflected in the inadequate provision of social and health services for the rural population. In addition, the severe consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected older people in particular, increasing their risk of social, psychological, health and economic disadvantage since the beginning of the coronavirus crisis.

By setting up a mobile care service, elderly people* who are at risk of poverty, single and chronically ill in remote settlements in the community receive support with household management, personal hygiene and healthcare at home. In addition, urgently needed aids (medication, glasses, walking aids, hearing aids, etc.) are provided and advice on accessing further assistance (e.g. state social benefits, institutions) is organised.

These support measures also provide considerable relief for family carers (mostly women). Information is provided for them on issues relating to care for the elderly and home care.


The programme has the following objectives:

  • Improving living conditions for older people
  • Well-being and social integration of senior citizens
  • Strengthening the healthcare system
  • Employment opportunities for local women and men in mobile car

Many thanks to the entire support team!

Photos: NSHC

Project Informations

Region: Serbia, Vladičin Han

Duration: September 2021 - February 2023

Project Partner:  NSHC - Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (Serbia)

Funding Bodies: BMSGPK, Volkshilfe


Katharina Pliskal, BA, MA
Tel. +43 676 83 402 237

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Für arme Senior*innen

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