How to improve the living conditions, health and well-being of older people is the focus of this three-year project in Serbia and Kosovo. The development of age-friendly communities, with intergenerational solidarity and the rights and needs of older people are in focus.
Therefore, whether it is in the city or the countryside, various courses and activities are offered in community centres. In cooperation with kindergartens and universities, for example, community projects such as excursions or joint gardening will be developed.
With these and other measures, older people will be networked with caregivers and service providers in their communities, as well as with local and national institutions and facilities.
Through this dialogue:
- the needs of older people will be more fully integrated into decision-making about service provision at the local level.
- services for older people through exchanges between government, the private sector and service providers will be improved.
- new services and supports for older people at the local level will be promoted
Project information
Region: Serbia and Kosovo
Duration: January 2023 – December 2025
Project Partner:
TARA International Consulting doo (Serbia)
NSHC – Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (Serbia)
Funding Bodies: ADA, Volkshilfe
Project Partner

Image by Drazen Zigic