Hygiene campaign and psychosocial support in and around Idlib

As part of the project, Volkshilfe contributes tInformation is provided on ways to prevent cholera and other diseases. 800 women and 800 men are being trained as multipliers against infectious diseases.o improving physical and mental health with the following activities:


  • 8,000 urgently needed hygiene packages are being distributed.
  • Information is provided on ways to prevent cholera and other diseases. 800 women and 800 men are being trained as multipliers against infectious diseases.
  • 600 women and children who were severely traumatised by the earthquake are being supported through psychosocial work in the form of group and individual support.


The following improvements will be achieved by implementing the project:

  • 8,000 vulnerable households (approx. 40,000 people) in informal refugee camps in Idlib have improved access to hygiene and health products and are aware of their use and importance.
  • 1600 refugees directly and indirectly affected by the earthquake have improved their knowledge of methods to prevent cholera and other diseases and are able to act as multipliers in their communities.
  • 1200 women and children in informal refugee camps gain knowledge and skills to cope with the psychological consequences of the earthquake.bebens umzugehen.


The measures are implemented by the partner organisation Women Support and Empowerment Center in Idlib. The Women’s Centre is a key player in the empowerment of women, who often live under particularly precarious economic and social conditions in the war situation that has been going on for a decade. The centre has been offering women and girls further education opportunities, training courses, information and legal and psychosocial advice for seven years.

Project information

Project Partner: Adopt a Revolution (AaR), Women Support and Empowerment Center Idlib

Duration: 2023-2024

Funding Bodies: Nachbar in Not, Volkshilfe


Mag.a Alicia Allgäuer